It’s not dissociative identity disorder, it’s Generation X
In an attempt to organize this journal and save my readers the hassle of sorting through what you can and can’t relate to, I’m putting these posts into meaningful categories. While designing so, I realized I sound like I have multiple personality disorder. As a writer, I am attempting to challenge myself by sticking to my truth within these categories, so I’m persisting with the idea that I do, in fact, have a mental disorder, and applying my craft, will attempt to refine these varied voices.
Jen X is a play on the word and letter used to describe the category of human beings I fall into on earth’s universal timeline. It is not incontrovertibly a nickname for the most popular moniker used by the baby boomer generation for their daughters. According to Google, I could be male or female when searching for names that start with Jen, and while using it, I remain comfortable in my anonymity.
It is extremely important to me that you can relate to my blogs and that’s why I choose to be anonymous. As I stated in the About page,
“My only aspiration is that my truth sparks the flame of acceptance, dialogue and healing.”
The only way I can accomplish this with a blog, is to entice you readers, congregate your truths, your trust, and your compassion for humanity, then empower you with the resources and clout to go out into the world en masse.
The only way we can heal each other is through relationship.
I want you to read these posts, find something you can relate to, accept the difference between your truth and mine, and find a way to respectfully conversate about it without the sharp and powerful words of sway and judgement. I’m not trying to convince you of my beliefs, I’m simply letting you read my “diary”.
Below you will find posts from an addict, a spouse, a parent, an employee, an advocate for human unpretentiousness (a.k.a. the social opinionist), and Jen X (because I feel the voice doesn’t conform to one particular character, but, more accurately, the entire human race born between 1965 and 1980). I would be forever grateful if you send in a jpeg or gif that best represents the feeling you have about the voice you just read. As of the start of this Blog, February 20th, 2021 (my half-birthday!), the pictures are placemark exemplification of each category of post so I can get on to the writing! You show me how these experiences make you feel, and in return, I’ll show you my soul.
If we can share our humanity here, and with the rest of the world without violence, practicing acceptance and humility, we will revolutionize the world!

X, The Addict
These posts are copies of letters hand delivered to my accountability coach and the impetus of this blog.
“Addiction” by Art By Grahms
“In Bed, The Kiss” by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

X, The Social Opinionist
From entertainers and politicians, to friends, strangers and everything in between…everyone’s a target.
“Orator” by Diana Marta
“Spring Poetry” by Heidi Thompson
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